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Today, electronics are inseparable connected with computer technology. Even simple applications are making use of microcontrollers, GALs, CPLDs or FPGAs. And thats good in my opinion, because the use of such devices makes it possible to make cost effective, but very powerful designs of such apps.

On this page, you can have a look on some of my hardware-projects.

It is often not possible for me to put a more detailed description of every project in here, because of the complexity and the lack of time I have. If you are interested in getting more information on a special project, you can send an eMail to me.

QBox A completely from the scratch designed new computer system.
BDMDebug My own BDM debug software
A500Zorro The first working prototype Zorro board for the A500.
SlotZorro A fully working prototype of an autoconfig board for the A2000-A4000.
ZorroBoard V2 A new allround board (under development).
FlashBIOS or: "How to flash a PC FlashBIOS..." :-)
FPGA84dev Testboard for Xilinx Spartan FPGAs
9536dev Testboard for Xilinx XC9536 CPLDs
80535infineon 80535 Board, created for infineon technologies
A500Flash A500-based FlashROM programmer
S-EPROMEmu 'Strange' EPROM Emulator
EPROMEmu Highspeed EPROM Emulator
HC08Programmer 68HC08 flash programmer
Keyboard-Repair How to repair keyboards...
HD-motor Experimental driving circuit for a synchronous harddrive motor
GB60Board A small and universal 9S08GB60 microcontroller board.

Electronics News
How to flash a PC FlashBIOS... :)
Flashing a PC BIOS is simple? Not always... Not in my case... Read this short story about a really unconventional way to solve this normally quite simple task... ;)
ColdFire 5206e PCB Layout released
On public request, you now can download the PCB Layout I used for the ppQBox ColdFire CPU-board. For more information, follow the title link.
Amiga Autoconfig Boards
Incredible: by cleaning up my "hardware-development-table", I found a very old hardware-design of a A500 ZorroII-Board I made for testing the Amiga Autoconfig. There is also a newer version for the A2000-A4000.
BDMDebug V1.02 released
Some problems have been fixed. It should now work on WinNT, too.
BDMDebug V1.00 released
This is a powerful Windows based (sorry for this!!!) BDM Debug Tool for Motorola ColdFire CPUs. If you're a developer of hardware designs using this type of CPU, this tool is a "must-have"... :)
Now I can program my ppQBox in C!!
My brother Christian succeeded in making a GNU C ColdFire cross compiler for my SUN.
But this is only the halve thing. The output' ELF-file is not a directly runnable executable file. The platform using it needs a loader for it.
After about 2 days of searching for ELF-manuals, analyzing the output and programming the loader I'm now happy to tell you, that I now have no problems to run C-programs on my ppQBox. Now it should be much more easy to go on with developing the QOS... my own Operating System for the (pp)Qbox... :)

After finishing the network-hardware and adding a small speaker to the board (for some noisy output... :) ), I'm now working on the network software between my Amiga and the ppQBox. It's development state is about 75%, I think. I already have packet transmission between both computers and looking forward to finish the whole thing in some days.
BDMDebug finished
BDMDebug This my ColdFire BDM-Debug interface control program. I had to program it for Wind*ws because I get the needed DLL-file for controlling the interface only there. I'm sure I will make later an Amiga-port of this. I will release this tool it in the next days. More about it you find here.
Amiga AutoConfig(TM) Card
On request, I have added an image with infos about my autoconfig card prototype.
The ppQBox mainboard!!
ppQBox Mainboard Jippieh!! :) 3 weeks after creating the CPU-board, I successfully finished the mainboard for my ColdFire computer!
The Board has a lot of interesting features: 256kB buffered (GoldCap) high-speed SRAM, 1-64MB PS/2 DRAM, network interface for data exchanges between my Amiga and the ppQBox, programmed GAL's for some IO, two proprietary expansion slots for additional hardware (HardDisk, Sound, IO, GFX, PCI-Slots).
More photos/infos...
Fantastic ColdFire results: The first working CPU-board!
CF5206e first run
This picture is a photo of the soldered and finished board!
You can read a detailed description of the development process of it here.

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