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- ColdFire CPUs have a special port for debugging: the BDM port.
The long version of BDM is "Background Debug Mode" and it allows the full control of the ColdFire CPU
via a quite simple interface from P&E.
I got the interface because it is shipped with every ColdFire evaluation board.
The hardware comes with an powerful and simple to use DLL-file but without any debug-software.
- If you start to work with the ColdFire, the BDM-interface is the best way to upload programs to the
system memory and to debug it. You have full access to the CPU, its Registers and all connected peripherials.
Now I had more time to work with my ppQBox and I only had a very simple debug software (I wrote it some months ago)
and wanted to have a really good one. Well, this is the result...
- full access to all ColdFire registers (read and write!)
- built-in disassembler for powerful debugging
- singe step mode
- short-run mode (definable run-time [resolution: 1 ms])
- memory-monitor with all access modes (byte, word, long)
- several upload possibilities for code and data
- download features
- powerful memory manipulation features
- memory tester for checking the system memory
- more things I forgot... :)
- Windows 95/98/NT
- pemicro's parallel port BDM debug cable
- of course a ColdFire-CPU board with BDM-Debug connector for connecting the cable...
Sorry for doing a Windows-version... but P&E had this smart DLL-file and I had not the time to develop a Amiga
shared library... surely I will do so later, but as for now the Windows-version should do it... :)
- Unpack the archive to your harddrive
- When using WindowsNT, unpack the "" archive and follow the included installation procedure.
- Thats all!
- This program is copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Stefan Robl <>
I'm not reponsible for any damage my program makes on your computer/hardware. Use it at your own risk!
- If you like my work, you are welcome to appreciate my programming efforts by sending me a
donation of your choice.
As example you can send me some money or useful things like hardware (some chips, computer components, etc.)... :)
Thanks a lot in advance!! ;-)
Feel free to donate to my work using the above link!
Improvements, bugreports, suggestions, GIFTWARE presents (see above!) etc. are welcome.
- V1.00
** first official release **
- V1.02
- BDMDebug now works under WindowsNT, too! (only, if using the ntdriver included!)
- Removed a bug with the saved settings. The old version saved the settings into the last used
directory. fixed.
- The disassembler had a problem with decoding the "NOT Dx" command. fixed.
- The disassembler MemoBox is now a ListBox, the current executed command is now centered and
marked in the mid of the box. Now there is also a PopUpMenu for saving the contents of this box.
Updates / Links
Here is a screenshot of the program:

(click for larger image)
You can download BDMDebug here as Giftware (see above!).