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My Development Environment

Here you find infos about my equipment used for my development work. At the end of this page you'll find some nice images... ;-)

Used MachineUsed Software
Apple MacBook Air "2020"
  • Apple Silicon M1 CPU
  • 16 GB RAM
  • 1 TB SSD
Software: See MacBook Pro
Apple MacBook Pro "2018"
  • 2.6 GHz Core i7 CPU
  • 32 GB RAM
  • 1 TB SSD
  • macOS
  • Xcode / Developer-Tools
  • Eagle Layoutsoftware
  • Parallels Desktop (Win 7/10)
  • Xilinx ISE FPGA/CPLD development software
  • WinAVR
  • AmigaOS 4 GCC 3.4 cross compiler with all AmigaOS includes etc. (used as my main development machine for AmigaOS 4)
  • A lot of my own applications (most of them not published, yet)
Apple MacMini
  • 2.26 GHz Core2Duo CPU
  • 8 GB RAM
  • 500 GB internal harddisk
  • OS X
  • Xcode / Developer-Tools
AmigaOne XE
  • 933 MHz G4-CPU (MPC7455)
  • 512 MB RAM
  • Radeon 7000 / 64 MB
  • SoundBlaster Live 5.1
  • On-Board 10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet
  • SIL680 UDMA IDE-Controller
  • 120 GB Maxtor Harddisk
  • Teac 512EB 16/10/40 CD/RW burner
  • AmigaOS 4
  • and much more (see A3000)...
Amiga3000 Tower
  • CyberStormPPC MC68040/40 MHz, PPC604e/200 MHz
  • 144 MB Fast RAM, 2 MB Chip RAM
  • CyberVisionPPC/8 MB
  • UW-SCSI controller on PPC board
  • internal A3000 SCSI controller
  • 9.1 GB IBM UW-SCSI Harddisk
  • 4.5 GB IBM UW-SCSI Harddisk
  • UltraPlex 32 U-SCSI-CDRom
  • Yamaha CRW4416S SCSI-CDRW-Writer
  • 8 GB HP DDS2-DAT Streamer
  • 270 MB SyQuest
  • AriadneII (Ethernet)
  • FrameMachine + Prism24
  • VLab Video Digitizer
  • AmigaOS 4 PPC
  • AmigaOS 3.9
  • Directory OpusMagellan II
  • StormC V3
  • StormC V4
  • StormWizard
  • GoldED Studio 6
  • YAM 2.1
  • NetConnect
  • ArtDepartment Pro
  • MorphPlus
  • ArtEffect
  • ImageFx
  • PageStream
  • DPaint
  • PPaint
  • and more...

And here are some interesting images:

Screenshot AmigaOne
This screenshot made on 2004-05-15 shows the Amiga-Workbench (AmigaOS 4.0) on my AmigaOne. You can also see an alpha version of ArtEffect which I ported to AmigaOS 4.
Screenshot WB
This is a screengrab of my Amiga-Workbench at 2000-02-28.
Room Wide
This image shows the room where I worked on my projects in my semester holidays. You can see on the left table my ppQBox, PC, Amiga and SUN (in order of appearance). On the right table are my brother's SUN, Amiga and PC.
Room Wide
This is a wide angle panorama view of the same room.
This my ColdFire BDM-Debug interface control program. I had to program it for Wind*ws because there exists a comfortable DLL-file for controlling the interface. I'm sure I will make later an Amiga-port of this. More about BDMDebug you can find here.

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