AmigaOS Software News |
Golden Image Mousepad
If you own one of those old, but really excellent optical Amiga mices from Golden Image but seach for a new mouse pad, I can provide some help: Just print this picture with a high resolution printer... ;-) Works really very well! Unfortunately I have forgotten the correct scaling factor. However, it is quite easy to find out the right dot size - especially if you still own the old (damaged) mouse pad.
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2006-01-04 |
Interview with me in AmigaInsider 3 (German Language) now available
The interview was made several weeks ago and covers some details about my work on ArtEffect 5, AmiDock, the Docky system and the application.library for AmigaOS 4.
If you are interested, you can find the interview in issue 3 of AmigaInsider starting on page 12 (free download using the title link).
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2004-11-15 |
AmigaOS 4 event in Essen, Germany
On 2004-05-15, an AmigaOS 4 event took place in Essen, Germany. I attended this event to meet Amiga people and to show the current results of my port of ArtEffect to AmigaOS 4.
Under the title link you can see a photo gallery of the pictures which I took in Essen.
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2004-05-16 |
Article about AmiDock and application.library publically available
In february 2003 I wrote an article about the features of my projects AmiDock and application.library which will be included in AmigaOS4.0 for the "Club Amiga" magazine. Amiga Inc. decided to make this article now also publically accessible for other readers.
You can access it over the title link; I hope you enjoy the reading... :-)
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2003-04-12 |
How to repair keyboards...
If you have a broken keyboard where one ore more keys don't respond properly, anymore, then you should read my description how to repair it in a clean way. Read more under the title link.
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2002-12-23 |
Unveiling OS3.9's AmiDock Easteregg... :-)
Yes - you perhaps never did expect that but AmiDock has an Easteregg, too... :)
As I do not know a not trustful person which could be used to spread around how this Easteregg is accessible by rumors, I had to describe it myself on my homepage... ;-)
If you're interested, please read on...
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2002-11-21 |
AmiDock OS4 screenshots available
I'm proud to present you the first in-detail screenshots of the new AmiDock I developed for AmigaOS 4. The title link will bring you to the official AmigaOS 4 website of Amiga Inc.
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2002-09-06 |
DPMSManager V1.23 released
Sorry. The last release didn't solve the problem completely. Also forgot to remove a 10 seconds delay used for debugging.
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2001-09-12 |
2001-09-12 |
FMdriver 1.25 released
I'm glad to announce the availability of FMdriver V1.25 which contains some very useful enhancements. Now you can save and load several different video configurations (for example for 4:3 and 16:9), make time-lapse animations with FMRecorder. There were also a lot of minor fixes, FMdriver should be now really almost be perfect... ;-)
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2001-04-07 |
FMdriverVHI V1.25 released
This is a completely reworked version of my first FrameMachine VHI driver. This one should now really remove any problems caused in conjunction with VHI. You now also can use your several different configurations of the FMdriver system in your favourite VHI application.
This VHI driver bases to 100% on my newframemachine.libary which is included on the FMdriver package (you need to download this for using this driver, too!).
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2001-04-07 |
FMdriver V1.14 beta released
This is the beta version of my FrameMachine video driver, it should be again a little bit faster and has a lot of more features than the last public release.
Until february 2001, I cannot provide very good support for this as I now want to freeze all my projects to go on with my study. Thanks for your patience!
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2000-12-21 |
AmigaMPEGPlayer V1.02 for the AmigaSDK released
AmigaMPEGPlayer now is up to 25% faster and has a file requester.
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2000-09-07 |
writepixel V1.05 for the AmigaSDK released
It now has a sizeable window and a much cooler color gradient which changes with mouse position and time.
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2000-09-07 |
AmigaMPEGPlayer for the AmigaSDK released

(click to enlarge!)
This is version 1.00 of a MPEG Video Player for the Amiga SDK. It can playback MPEG-Anims and MPEG-System streams.
Audio is not played back because the SDK supports up to now no audio output.
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2000-08-31 |
writepixel for the AmigaSDK released

(click to enlarge!)
writepixel is a very small (less than 1kB!) demo showing a realtime color gradient and transparency effects.
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2000-08-31 |
AmigaSDK in Action!

AmigaSDK running some stuff
(click to enlarge!)
Of course I have installed the AmigaSDK on my Linux-machine, too! At the moment I'm "playing" around
with the VP-Assembler (VP = Virtual Processor) and trying to port over some useful programs.
The new system is really impressing fast and it is rather easy to code for it, too. But we all programmers
wait for the really needed SDK-update to get the final GUI and of course Sound-support, too.
The picture shows the SDK running Quake, a selfwritten WritePixelDemo, Tunnel and of course the nice BoingBall... ;)
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2000-08-29 |
OpusSMBHandler 1.0 released
This ARexx script lets you browse through a Windows network environment with OpusMagellan. It provides the basic operations like copy, delete, rename and browse.
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2000-05-28 |
Amiga Autoconfig Boards
Incredible: by cleaning up my "hardware-development-table", I found a very old hardware-design of a A500 ZorroII-Board I made for testing the Amiga Autoconfig.
There is also a newer version for the A2000-A4000.
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2000-05-23 |
DCTV infos...
Several users contacted me about my search for infos about DCTV. Now I know, that the people from Digital Creations formed together with people from NewTek a new company, called "Play Inc.".
I have contacted Play Inc., let's hope that I get more information.
Many thanks for your help!!
Anyway, if someone knows more about the programmer or about the way DCTV works, I would be glad to get an eMail from you!
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2000-03-25 |
Infos about the DCTV wanted!
Around 1990, there was a incredible little hardware-box connected to the video port of the Amiga. It could display millions of colors with only little memory requirements.
This hardware was produced by "Digital Creations"; the programmers were "Bill Barton", "John Botteri", "Randy Jongens" and "David Porter".
What I need are contact addresses to the programmers or descriptions/sources about the used algorithms. If someone of you knows something, please don't hesitate to write me an eMail!
(the DCTV logo)
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2000-03-24 |
CGXBlanker V1.25 released
A lot of good new features (ARexx interface, "Don't blank if mouse is over titlebar" option, ...) and a new blanker module "Pipe" were added!
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2000-03-03 |
DPMSManager V1.20 released
A lot of good new features (shell support, NOMOUSE, deactivateable DPMS-stages, ...) were added!
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2000-03-03 |
FMdriverVHI 1.1 released
This VHI driver fixes some problems and runs well with the V4 of VLRecNG.
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2000-01-15 |
ArtecScan2.00alpha2 released
For registered users of ArtecScan: Here is now the release of the alpha2 version of the new ArtecScan2.0. It should solve several problems. Please contact me how this version works on your machine!
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2000-01-11 |
ArtecScan2.00alpha1 released
For registered users of ArtecScan: Here is the release of the alpha1 version of the new ArtecScan2.0. It should solve some problems with AT3 and AT6 scanners. Please contact me how this version works on your machine!
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1999-12-25 |
1999-12-05 |
CGXBlanker V1.21 released
There is now a prefs program with GUI and also a very nice new blanker (Flower)... Now, there are also 020+ and 040+ optimized versions included and a installer script provides easy installation.
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1999-11-15 |
FMdriverVHI released
Here we have a newcomer: FMdriverVHI. It is a FrameMachine driver vor the new VHI system.
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1999-10-31 |
ArtecScan2.00alpha released
For registered users of ArtecScan: Today I have released an alpha version of the new ArtecScan2.0! If you want to test it, you can get it on the Download Page.
Please contact me how this version works on your machine!
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1999-10-27 |
General Information
My plan with the release dates of my projects was faulty. I didn't expect to have so much work to do in the 5th semester. Also, I was (and I still am a bit) ill.
I have to excuse me some more time to all of you - the users of my programs. But I can't go on with the same speed like in the semester holidays... None of the projects is cancelled, but the global speed will be slowed down. My current plan of development looks like the following:
1. ArtecScan
2. FMdriver
3. PPCjpeg
4. CGXBlanker, ...
The development of the WizardClasses run more or less in parallel - all my programs need them.
The development of ArtecScan goes well (as far as I have the time...), now the V2.00alpha already makes a previewscan. But there is still much work to do until I can release a beta-version for all my registered users - but I'm on the right way!
Here is a screengrab of my current development environment...
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1999-10-15 |
ArtecScan News
All users of ArtecScan: the waiting should soon be over - I'm now working with power on the new version 2.0 of ArtecScan. I think in two or three week should be the first beta available!
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1999-09-15 |
FMdriver V1.12 released
IFF support was added and many small bugfixes / improvements were made.
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1999-09-01 |
FMdriver V1.10 released
There are many improvements and new features like movie recording, grabbing-program, init-tool, non-gfx-board support, etc.
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1999-08-29 |
FMdriver V1.00 released
A powerful new driver for the FrameMachine with PPC-support. It allows to watch TV on the Workbench!
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1999-08-15 |
AVL V1.00 released
A amazing simulation of virtual life.
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1999-08-15 |
DPMSManager V1.00 released
Runs together with other screen blankers and enables the energy saving methods of your monitor.
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1999-05-01 |
CGXBlanker V1.00 released
This is a small, very nice and colorful screenblanker.
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1999-03-27 |
1999-03-17 |
PPCjpeg V1.21 released
Also updated the QBox pages with new pictures and text.
Thanks to Alexander Heinze for his great digital photo camera!
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1999-01-18 |
1999-01-15 |
1999-01-11 |
1999-01-02 |
1998-07-22 |