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CGXBlanker is a small ScreenBlanker for computers equipped with a
CyberGraphics/Picasso96-supporting Gfx-Board.
The blanker currently has the following Blanker-Modules:
- Black : just a black screen... ;)
- Moire : the classic colorful moire-blanker
- Forest : colorful fractal trees
- Spiral : an incredible rotating spiral
- Flower : a very nice blanker which draws several elliptic objects
- Pipe : a interesting blanker which lets you fly trough a 3D pipe
- Random : one of the blankers above is randomly chosen (except Black)
CGXBlanker also supports the DPMS energy-saving methods of modern
monitors. You can enable/disable this option and control the delay
before the blanker switches to the DPMS mode.
This blanker is a system-friendly commodity and you also have
keyboard shortcuts for immediate blanking, immediate DPMS and quit.
The blanker settings are easy to adjust with the CGXBlankerPrefs
program - this is much simplier than changing Tooltypes by hand.
Starting with V1.25, there is an ARexx port with allows the full
control of CGXBlanker by external applications (for example: deactivate
it before starting CDBurner-Software...)
- supports (or better: needs) CyberGraphics or Picasso96
- is small
- has a prefs program with GUI
- is fast (available for 020+ and 040+)
- is a Commodity
- has an ARexx interface
- supports all three types of DPMS
- is fully configurable
- is systemfriendly designed
- is freeware
Here are screenshots of the CGXBlanker blankers:
This is the well-known Moire screen blanker. |
Here we have the Forest blanker which draws fractal trees. |
The Spiral blanker swirls around and has almost hypnotic effects... ;) |
Only one of the thousands different variants of Flower... |
The "Pipe" blanker shows a fast flight trough a 3D pipe! |
You can download CGXBlanker here.