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Windows Software
Windows Software News |
BDMDebug V1.02 released
Some problems have been fixed. It should now work on WinNT, too.
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2000-04-01 |
BDMDebug V1.00 released
This is a powerful Windows based (sorry for this!!!) BDM Debug Tool for Motorola ColdFire CPUs. If you're a developer of hardware designs using this type of CPU, this tool is a "must-have"... :)
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2000-03-14 |
BDMDebug finished
This my ColdFire BDM-Debug interface control program. I had to program it for Wind*ws because I get
the needed DLL-file for controlling the interface only there.
I'm sure I will make later an Amiga-port of this.
I will release this tool it in the next days.
More about it you find here.
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2000-02-29 |