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Summary 2004 / Year 2005 greetings
English Version / Deutsche Version

Dear friends and users of my programs!

This time I failed to add a summary of the old year as an entry to my homepage within the old year. Because of that, you'll find it now at the beginning of the new year... ;-)

Before I continue with writing I want to wish you all a healthy and successful New Year 2005!

If I do a small summary of my year 2004, I have to admit that a friendly firm owner of a company active within the Amiga sector wasn't fully wrong with his opinion. While I had a talk with him some years ago he said "Stefan, as soon as you have finished your studies, you will be away for further (Amiga-)projects!". The past year shows me, that this statement unfortunately is true to some degree - my job costs me an enormous amount of my time and also eats up some of my creativity.
My attendance of the Amiga-Event on May, 2004 in Essen (Germany) where I demonstrated my work on porting the image editing application ArtEffect to AmigaOS 4 proves, however, that I am not fully away. Admittedly, the work on this project by no means is finished but it should show that I am still motivated to work on bigger projects for AmigaOS.
I am also working on some things for the operating system Mac OS X; like in the summary of the last year, however, I am still not ready to make the one or other release about this.
I am happy to note that I still receive several interested e-mails about my project QBox. I haven't worked on this project since a long time but I am still busy with the ideas dealing with this topic and I am more and more on the way to change the focus on this project to new technologies. At the current moment, it is way too early to say when this will be done. One thing is clear: This project by no means is dead!

Closing, I want to excuse myself for my often very slow reply speed to e-mails. I try to get better here but I will never reach my low response times from around 1997 where I spent almost 2 hours a day to answer e-mails... I simply don't have this amount of time anymore. Because of that, please don't be angry if an e-mail takes longer than originally expected.

Finnally I wish you again all the best for the New Year 2005!


   Stefan Robl

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