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The interface controllers of the QBox will be also intelligent (own CPU) and they will
be able to run the drivers needed for mouse, joystick, keyboard, serial and parallel
devices by themself.
The main processor no longer needs to run such drivers by using it's own cpu-time!
The following picture is the first universal interface I built for the ColdFire.
It has three 8 Bit interfaces (bidirectional), three D/A-Converters and of course
some handshaking mechanisms...
The craziest thing I did with this interface was to connect all D/A-Converters to
my Oscilloscope. Two converters for X- and Y-beam-movement and the third for the
brightness control of the electron beam (Z-input). The result was a fascinating 256x256 pixels
picture with 256 shades of green - my first video-interface... ;)
I also used the interface for a stereo-audio-output - with astonishing high quality!!

The top view of the universal interface...

...and the bottom view... ;)