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Gadgets... ;-)
Here are some neat photos of my quite high power lasers which I have bought for different future experiments and tasks. The bright dots in the outdoor pictures are snow flakes which fell into the laser beams...
(Click thumbnails for larger version pictures.)
 2005-10-03_12-09-04n.jpg |
 2005-10-03_12-12-23n.jpg |
 2005-12-27_18-39-52n.jpg |
 2005-12-27_18-48-45n.jpg |
 2005-12-27_18-50-32n.jpg |
 2005-12-27_18-51-25n.jpg |
 2005-12-27_18-52-06n.jpg |
 2005-12-27_18-54-29n.jpg |
 2005-12-31_18-47-21n.jpg |
 2005-12-31_19-19-20n.jpg |
 2005-12-31_19-19-28n.jpg |
Slideshow created with ShowIt ©2001-2005 Stefan Robl <>