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PPCjpeg is a simple but very fast JPEG viewer for Amigas having
a PPC inside and WarpOS running.
The viewer supports as far as I know all image types of JPEG and opens
a window on a public screen (default: default public screen).
The public screen must be running under CyberGraphX or Picasso96 in
Hi/True-Color (>=15 Bit).
PPCjpeg is also able to display images which are bigger than your
Workbench screen, you can scroll around in the image (using scroll-bars
and/or the cursor keys).
The cursor key-scrolling supports the following types:
- 20-pixel scrolling (just press the cursor keys)
- 200-pixel scrolling (press SHIFT together with the cursor keys)
- single pixel scrolling (alt and the cursor keys)
- "border jumping" (ALT, SHIFT and the cursor keys together)
The program also displays the file name, size (pixels), raw-size (kb/MB)
and the type (color, grayscale) of the loaded JPEG image.
PPCjpeg also supports to save the decoded image as PPM-file (just use
the menu entry "Save as PPM...").
You can download PPCjpeg here.