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AmigaOS 4 Event
2004-05-15 - Essen, Germany
On 2004-05-15 there was an AmigaOS 4 related event in Essen, Germany. I attended this event for demonstrating my work progress of porting Haage&Partner's ArtEffect to AmigaOS 4 PowerPC. The demonstration went quite well in spite of the highly alpha state of my port. I was able to show the event attendees that there really is work being spent on this project and how enourmous the speed increase of the native ArtEffect compared to the old 68k version indeed is.
Below you find some pictures to get an impression of this event (click thumbnails for larger version pictures).
 2004-05-15_13-01-00.jpg |
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 2004-05-15_13-01-48.jpg |
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 2004-05-15_14-55-13.jpg |
 2004-05-15_15-03-47.jpg |
 2004-05-15_17-34-38.jpg |
 2004-05-15_17-34-51.jpg |
 2004-05-15_17-35-27.jpg |
 2004-05-15_17-36-42.jpg |
Slideshow created with ShowIt ©2001-2004 Stefan Robl <>