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Amiga Software

AmiDock The toolbar of AmigaOS3.9 and AmigaOS4.0.
AmigaMPEGPlayer Player for MPEG videos for the AmigaSDK (AmigaDE).
ArtecScan Driver for some SCSI-Scanners of the vendor Artec.
AmiCamedia A driver for digital cameras using the Olympus protocol.
AVL Simulation of small life forms (microbes) on the Workbench.
CGXBlanker Full-featured, very nice-looking screen blanker; supports also DPMS power-management.
DPMSManager Screen blanker, which doesn't show any fancy patterns but supports DPMS energy saving methods. Works also together with other screen blankers.
FMdriver Very powerful driver for the FrameMachine video card (made by electronic design) which also supports the PowerPC.
FMdriverVHI FrameMachine driver (PowerPC-supporting) for the FrameMachine video card; designed for the VHI system.
OpusSMBHandler ARexx-script, which expands Directory Opus Magellan to allow the access to windows network environments.
PPCjpeg Very fast JPEG-Picture Viewer (requires a PowerPC).
writepixel Small fancy demo for the AmigaSDK (AmigaDE).
Keyboard-Repair A description how to repair broken (Amiga-)keyboards.

AmigaOS Software News
FMdriverVHI V1.25 released
This is a completely reworked version of my first FrameMachine VHI driver. This one should now really remove any problems caused in conjunction with VHI. You now also can use your several different configurations of the FMdriver system in your favourite VHI application. This VHI driver bases to 100% on my newframemachine.libary which is included on the FMdriver package (you need to download this for using this driver, too!).
FMdriver V1.14 beta released
This is the beta version of my FrameMachine video driver, it should be again a little bit faster and has a lot of more features than the last public release. Until february 2001, I cannot provide very good support for this as I now want to freeze all my projects to go on with my study. Thanks for your patience!
AmigaMPEGPlayer V1.02 for the AmigaSDK released
AmigaMPEGPlayer now is up to 25% faster and has a file requester.
writepixel V1.05 for the AmigaSDK released
It now has a sizeable window and a much cooler color gradient which changes with mouse position and time.
AmigaMPEGPlayer for the AmigaSDK released
(click to enlarge!)
This is version 1.00 of a MPEG Video Player for the Amiga SDK. It can playback MPEG-Anims and MPEG-System streams. Audio is not played back because the SDK supports up to now no audio output.
writepixel for the AmigaSDK released
(click to enlarge!)
writepixel is a very small (less than 1kB!) demo showing a realtime color gradient and transparency effects.
AmigaSDK in Action!
AmigaSDK running some stuff
(click to enlarge!)
Of course I have installed the AmigaSDK on my Linux-machine, too! At the moment I'm "playing" around with the VP-Assembler (VP = Virtual Processor) and trying to port over some useful programs.
The new system is really impressing fast and it is rather easy to code for it, too. But we all programmers wait for the really needed SDK-update to get the final GUI and of course Sound-support, too.
The picture shows the SDK running Quake, a selfwritten WritePixelDemo, Tunnel and of course the nice BoingBall... ;)
OpusSMBHandler 1.0 released
This ARexx script lets you browse through a Windows network environment with OpusMagellan. It provides the basic operations like copy, delete, rename and browse.
Amiga Autoconfig Boards
Incredible: by cleaning up my "hardware-development-table", I found a very old hardware-design of a A500 ZorroII-Board I made for testing the Amiga Autoconfig. There is also a newer version for the A2000-A4000.
DCTV infos...
Several users contacted me about my search for infos about DCTV. Now I know, that the people from Digital Creations formed together with people from NewTek a new company, called "Play Inc.". I have contacted Play Inc., let's hope that I get more information. Many thanks for your help!! Anyway, if someone knows more about the programmer or about the way DCTV works, I would be glad to get an eMail from you!

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