Guestbook of Stefan Robl

Overall rating: 6.7 of 7   7

213.  Mike Foston  72020-01-01 21:58:21  

I recently had a full hard disk crash and when I received my backups I found I had a huge problem with multiple copies of many photos. I had to use a number of Apps to work through this, and the final stage was to get them back into date order and with correct file names.

Your application did this, for over 65000 photos in just a few hours. I was very happy to send you a donation, and am very grateful you made this program available, I had tried a few others before I found yours, the ability to update the creation date,, from the EXIF date was awesome and the perfect solution to my problem.

Thank you.
212.  anonymous visitor  72019-11-07 10:29:45  
 exif renamer ist top. gibt es bald eine ios version. das wäre supernützlich, um fotos und videos zu ordnen.
211.  Tony Duvall   2019-08-04 23:12:59  
 Love the program, but it seems when you move your pictures around for Mac to Mac the EXIF dates gets screwed up and causes problems. The one thing I can't figure out is how to make the program create a new folder for each series of pictures when the date changes. All I can get it to do is create a new folder for every picture dropped in the program. I just can figure it out when one of the older updates states this can be done. Anyway a great program.
210.  V.  72019-06-22 11:52:34  
 Danke für dieses Tool, Stefan! Es tut genau das, was es soll und erspart mir viele Stunden Arbeit. Als ich gesehen habe, dass es sogar Zeitstempel von Videos unterstützt, bin ich fast vom Stuhl gefallen vor Freude. Großartige Arbeit! Dafür habe ich dir sehr gerne eine Spende zukommen lassen.
209.  s7ephen  72019-02-10 01:47:19  
 Thank you for ExifRenamer! I've been looking for something like this which doesn't have an insane learning curve or any RegEx utilities to confuse me. Works perfect!
208.  Antoine  72018-12-22 01:44:37  
 Thank you very much for the Exifrenamer tool! I'm currently in holiday and taking a lot of pictures, it's exactly what I needed.
You really deserve some donation :)
207.  Bas  72018-11-27 17:11:03  
 Thanks so much for the exifrenamer tool. This will save so much time renaming and archiving files.
Can't believe you're providing software like this for free, so left some as donation.

Thank you!
206.  Linda  72018-09-30 19:00:44  
 I am so happy I have found your ExifRenamer tool!!!
It is very well thought through in every detail and possible user"s wish! It was very satisfying renaming all >100GB of pictures on my Mac after years of dreading this task :)
Thank you for developing this program,
205.  Jan   2018-07-09 14:02:02  
 Hallo Stefan Robl,

vielen Dank für das tolle Tool ExifRenamer!
Hilft mir sehr bei der Sortierung der Urlaubfotos.

Beste Grüße aus München
204.  Wallace Heller  72017-09-10 20:06:00  
 As you correctly identify, file naming conventions differ widely across image capture devices and create havoc when the files are combined in a common folder.

ExifRenamer is the perfect solution--a way out of the chaos and into a scheme of organization that leads to much greater efficiency and ease of use.

Bravo to you.
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