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Christmas 2000 / Year 2001 greetings
English Version / Deutsche Version

Dear friends and users of my programs!

The year 2000 is almost over and we are short before christmas. It now has almost tradition that I write a christmas letter, so I will continue this also for 2000...

The year 2000 was a rather demanding year, there was much stuff to do... First of all, the most time-consuming (and sometimes boring) part was (of course... ;) ) the study work...
A very interesting time was without any doubts my practical at Haage&Partner where I developed a new ARexx interpreter called "StormRexx". It was really nice to have the possibility to develop this speed optimized interpreter. Sure, there is still some more work needed, but the whole project is on the right way!

The next big event was the show "World of Alternatives" in Neuss (Germany). I'm proud that I was on the booth of Haage&Partner to show my digital camera driver software "AmiCamedia" and to help with general Amiga related problems.

At the same time, Amiga Inc. released their software development kit "Amiga SDK" and showed, that Amiga really has seriously intentions and wants to bring up a new product.
I was really amazed to see the concept of the virtual processor (VP) and immediately began to code for the new system. As result, there is now my "AmigaMPEGPlayer" - really one of the first usuable programs for the SDK and a small VP-assembler-demo "writepixel".

Next, I had the big chance to be a part of AmigaOS3.9 development by writing the new program dock-bar of OS3.9 - "AmiDock". It was a really demanding time but the OS3.9-team of beta-testers and developers worked smoothly together and in the end we succeeded in finishing OS3.9 in time.

At the end of the year I had the chance to attend several shows here in Germany. The most two important ones were "Electronica 2000" and of course the "WOA 2000".

The "Electronica 2000" in munich was a pure electronic developer oriented show and I had there several good discussions and got there some great new informations for the further development of my computer project called "QBox".

The nicest and most important show was certainly the "World of Amiga 2000 (WOA)" in cologne. This show had a really good atmosphere and it was a real pleasure to see so many Amiga-freaks at one place!! ;-)
There were several new products - the most important were of course OS3.9, Mediator PCI and G-Rex PCI. It is really unbelievable to see that Voodoo 3 to Voodoo 5 boards are really working in Amigas! I'm looking forward to get such a board for my Amiga, too!

Well, now that we are really near to the next Millenium with the year 2001, I want to wish you all a merry christmas and a happy new year 2001!


   Stefan Robl

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